What to Wear to a Music Festival in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Do you have any questions about your visit to a music festival in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania? Find answers to the most frequently asked questions on this page. Be prepared for all weather conditions; the lawn or terrace is not covered. If you have questions about the tickets you ordered, please contact Ticketmaster customer service via email or chat. A pop concert isn't going to be as formal as a regular classical symphonic evening; most people tend to wear jeans or other casual attire. A concert for children is more relaxed than a regular classical symphonic evening morning concert.

A concert advertised as a gala or fundraiser is usually as elegant as possible. As a longtime music critic in Denver, the topic of decorum at concerts came up all the time, something that always seemed a bit absurd to me. At the last concert I saw in December, I saw teenagers dressed in sports coats and ties accompanying their partners, while some Colburn School students were wearing polo shirts or sweaters. Believing in music as a source of healing and survival, Holly founded Arts Capacity, a 501 (c) 3 charity that focuses on bringing live chamber music, art, artists and composers to prisons. The majestic Benjamin Franklin Parkway is transformed to host the extensive annual Made in America outdoor festival, which features performances by the best of hip-hop, alternative music, EDM and R&B. The Made in America music festival, a massive musical celebration for all ages, is held on Philadelphia's Benjamin Franklin Parkway every Labor Day weekend. As a 31-year-old musician in the orchestra where Holly is the concertina, I have seen a wide variety of outfits.

I congratulate those who dress from end to end like you, and I congratulate those who pay homage to live music simply by performing with what they would wear at home listening to the same music on CD. In addition to music, past festivals have included attractions, interactive activities, and abundant food and drink, including a variety of appetizing dining options, including traditional festival dishes and gourmet food trucks, as well as a free filtered water service at many stations throughout the festival. Music has been eliminated from curricula in many schools, and many are unable to even identify a violin, much less know what to wear to a concert. So what should you wear when attending a music festival in Philadelphia? The answer depends on the type of event you are attending. For pop concerts and children's concerts, casual attire is usually appropriate. For galas or fundraisers, it's best to dress as elegantly as possible.

For more relaxed events such as outdoor festivals or concerts for young people, it's best to dress comfortably but still look presentable.

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Vera Hollman
Vera Hollman

Amateur web geek. Award-winning tv evangelist. Devoted pop culture ninja. Avid bacon maven. Hardcore travel guru. Hardcore twitter maven.